Individual Certifications - GMR


The GetIndividualCertificationList object

Field Type Description
HasMoreResults bool indicates if there are more results
Offset int Number of results skipped. Will match the parameter passed into the endpoint.
ResultCount int Number of results returned.
Data array of IndividualCertification objects Shift assignments requested.

The IndividualCertification object

Field Type Description
IndividualCertificationId int Unique identifier created by NBS.
NBSId int Unique identifier created by NBS
FirstName string
LastName string
CertificationId int Maps to the certification object
CertificationName string
CertificationNumber string
State string State the certification is related to
Country string Country the certification is related to
ActivationDate date
ExpirationDate date
Reference string Optional field to enter a brief note that is specific to this credential.
UpdateDate date (read only) Date the individual certification was last updated.
IsMaintained boolean (read only) Is the credential marked maintained in NBS.
IssuingBody string (Optional) The issuing body for the credential.


Get Individual Certification List

Returns latest version of all certifications

Authorization needed


Query Parameters

Name Type Required Description
primaryOnly bool optional If provided and set to true, only credentials that are marked as Primary in Required Credentials will be returned
updatedSince date optional If provided only credentials updated the provided date are returned.
NBSId integer optional Used to return credentials for a single employee.
UniqueIdentifier String optional Used to return credentials for a single employee.
EmployeeNumber String optional Used to return credentials for a single employee.
Offset int optional Used for paging results. Number of records to skip. Defaults to 0.
Limit int optional Used for paging results. Max number of results to return, must be between 1-200. Defaults to 200.
Example response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
    "HasMoreResults": false,
    "Offset": 0,
    "ResultCount": 1,
    "Data": [
					"IndividualCertificationId": 123456,
					"NBSId": 12345,
					"FirstName": "John",
					"LastName": "Doe",
					"CertificationId": 123,
					"CertificationName": "Certification Name",
					"CertificationNumber": "CertNumber123",
					"State": "",
					"Country": "",
					"ActivationDate": "2021-06-09T00:00:00-04:00",
					"ExpirationDate": "2023-06-20T00:00:00-04:00",
					"Reference": "",
					"UpdateDate": "2021-06-30T15:36:45.257-04:00",		
					"IsMaintained": True,
					"IsPrimary": True,
  • bad_request (HTTP 400)
  • unauthorized (HTTP 401) - This APIKey is not valid for this service.
  • not_found (HTTP 404) - Invalid NBSId/UniqueIdentifier/EmployeeNumber provided.